Polycom HDX HD Video Conferencing Systems – 2006
The Polycom HDX HD video conferencing systems delivered Ultimate HD™ – the highest quality voice, video, and content sharing available at the time. Combining power, performance, and flexibility, these products offer a full range of conferencing configurations to suit everything from desktops to large auditoriums. The HDX product family enables organizations to communicate over distance with confidence. We designed the entire product lineup, introducing a crisp family design language with a consistent identity across ten products.

Polycom SoundStation IP 7000 – 2007
In 2007 we helped Polycom develop a new look for their line of HD video conferencing equipment. For the SoundStation IP 7000, we re-invented the iconic Polycom tri-star shape, with a new form and materials to accompany a leap in video conferencing technology. The top surface is a stamped micro-perforation that blends from spherical to flat at the end of the unit’s three feet.